Monday, June 2, 2008

Unleash The Power of your Creativity

Are you experiencing you own life in its fullest measure or do you like most of us, have dreams and visions that you have yet to realize? What stories do you have, what limits have you accepted that keep you from embracing those dreams and bringing them to life?

What if you could create your life in a different way? What if you knew and were certain that anything, anything is possible. What would you love to create today?

The key to creating any thing, any experience you desire or hunger for is your PRESENCE. You can indeed free yourself from both your conscious and unconscious limits and that freedom begins today, even now as you are reading these words. By cultivating your own presence moment to moment, your ability to live in the moment and remain here/now becomes the alchemical space and place where all creations begin.

It is through presence that you will embrace your true creative nature, and it is only in the here and now that you can fully take ownership of what you truly love and are passionate about. Your creativity through presence can be a path leading to joy and enrichment that powerfully serves your life as well as the lives of others. As you find your own sense of presence, purpose and power, your life becomes an invitation for others to step up and stand in their own truth of presence.

If you’ve been feeling like you’re stuck or not moving towards the life you truly want then quite simply, you are in a box. The box you find yourself in is your own creation, it's your own design (albeit your own unconscious design) and your box contains all your stories, reasons and rationalizations for your being in the box.

Regardless of what stories you may or may not have to the contrary, you possess within you a powerful and Divine creative force. This Divine creative force is fire, it’s a powerful love and passion that lives and sleeps inside of each of us, including you! When we begin to make steps forward through our presence we are moving toward aligning ourselves with whatever we are most in love with and passionate about. It is then that we begin to tap into our own Divine Alchemical Fire of creativity.

Consciously stepping into presence and into your own fire of creativity generates new ideas, new behaviors and experiences that are very much outside the box. Cultivating your own personal fires of presence, love, passion and imagination each day invites and brings providence into your life and at some point along your journey into the heart and fire of your creative self you will come to know and realize that the box that once contained you was only one of imagined limits.

When we fuel our imagination with the heart of presence, passion and belief it instantly begins to transform our own world into one of true infinite potential, wonder and fulfillment. The time is now to embrace your own fire of creative presence and begin living your dreams awakened. What would you love to create today?

Are you ready to get a jumpstart and leap forward? Click on the link below to register and receive my free E-book "Harness The Creative Power Of Your Presence", it's a preview of a much larger book I will be publishing online in mid summer. Learn an elegantly simple yet powerful way to cultivate and stay in "Creative Presence" and accelerate any plan, program, or personal goal for growth, healing and success!

Get the free E-book: "Harness The Creative Power Of your Presence" right now, right here!

Warm Regards,

George E. Green

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