Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Raw Chocolate For Your Soul ~Your Beloved is Here, NOW

Welcome to our Feast...

RUMI..."The Lovers will drink wine night and day. They will drink until they can tear away the veils of intellect and melt away the layers of shame and modesty. When in Love, body, mind, heart and soul don't even exist. Become this, fall in Love, and you will not be separated again."

I have a magnificent feast of a vision I AM choosing to share with you today, a space that I hold and own within my consciousness and within my being. 

I own and celebrate my space of right and conscious relationship, of my partnerships made manifest on all levels, both my internal and external, where we choose to share in our Alchemy of “Singular Presence” by witnessing ourselves and each other with compassion, in grace and ease.

Our Beloved Agreements: Presence and Partnership

 By our agreeing to join together in the Now, we also agree to more than just abandoning our attachments to our past and to our future, we agree to renounce them as well. By abandoning our all too familiar attachments and the stories we made up,  we step into the mystery of our yet to be fully claimed potential, with the unfathomable and unfolding creative power of the universe infused within our Presence – within our Now – completely and absolutely . What exactly are we renouncing though?

Future Dreams

 Often when two people attracted to one another come together, each has their own ideas of whom they want in a partner. This is as much an idealization as it is an idea and often we overlay the face of our very ideal upon our potential partner, in effect masking and obscuring the greater parts of their true essence. What comes with our idealization of our partner are all our expectations, attachments to outcomes, and projections into the future as we imagine what our lives might look like living our ideal outcome.

Past Nightmares

 Then there is our past, the causal foundation and often unconscious filter of all of our ways of viewing and interacting with the world. The sum total of our experience filtered by our perceptions and colored by what we think and believe. It is the innate mechanics of our past perceptions that often will drive us to experience a similar outcome in our life repeatedly. We have all experienced our past repeating itself in one form or another and on some deep and often unconscious level it is our beliefs and assumptions as well as at times our fears that recreate our experience for us.” It happened before”, how many times have we heard or thought that?

Singular Presence: Claiming your Beloved NOW

There is a delicate and beautiful space through which to witness and discover another heart, another human, here in the Now. The more you choose to be in and live fully in the moment, the more you are able to see and recognize the true essence of the person who is standing before you. The beauty of being with and relating through our Singular Presence is that our truest essence of who we are, our greatness and our divinity, exists and lives with full measure, here and always in the Now. When we are anchored in the present we see the miracle of each others existence as well as our Divine mystery as it unfolds for us moment to moment.

Your fulfillment is NOW: Take your place at your own Feasting Table

I AM inviting you to experience your own Singular Presence today my Friend, through my Personal Alchemy training & mentoring program. Learn and experience the Art and Science of Awakened Dreaming and Lucid Living through your own cultivation of Singular Presence. Simply log on to the link below for more information and call me directly for your introductory session. My number is listed via the link below. I look forward to our call!


Live, love your life!

George E. Green
Personal Alchemy Systems

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Raw Chocolate For Your Soul ~Be the change you wish to see.... Today

Our world and concurrently our individual worlds are changing rapidly yet our outer worlds are simply reflections of what changes we are ourselves experiencing. 

Our ability to create and cultivate our own internal "still point" of mindfulness, witnessing presence, detached attention and focus has a direct and positive effect on our choosing to "effect conscious change" within and without rather than be effected by the changes we see in our outer world.

"Be the change you wish to see in your world."

Right now across our great Earth and now right here in our own cities, there is a growing surge and a physical expression of our desires to embrace our true, lasting and sustainable changes. Yet each of us has directly experienced our own challenges in being the embodiment of our desired changes fulfilled.

Peter Russel in his book "The White Hole in Time" Writes about our inner acceleration of change: "The impediments to inner change are not physical but mental. They are our attitudes, our mental habits, our mindsets as to what is possible & what is right. These are generally self imposed. As we learn how to release our minds from their attachments, we could find ourselves changing very fast indeed, in the twinkling of an eye. If we so choose."

NOW is your time, Now is our time to rise together in our own ascendancies, to rise together in our Truth and in our True Hearts. Now is your time to awaken to your own choices and abilities to be Self liberated, Self determined and Self directed!

Experience your own desired changes now. The Lucid Living training & mentoring experience is your art and science of accelerated personal evolution. Learn how to consciously create, embrace and receive your desired sustainable changes NOW.


Now is your time to harness the primacy and creative power of your heart, to harness the power of your desire for fulfillment as you experience and practice your own evolving personal evolution and mastery.

Your desired achievements and fulfillments are directly generated by choosing to consciously cultivate and increase your internal states of connectivity, communication and coherence. Your own force of accelerating personal, creative and spiritual evolution is one of the immediate and primary experiential benefits of the Lucid Living Accelerated Personal Evolution ~ Peak Performance training and practices.

You are ready to become the change you wish to see now. Experience your own power to choose authentic and sustainable change HERE

Join me in your next and greatest adventure, discovering, imagining and creating your new life and new playground. Your adventure starts right here, right now. Let's PLAY!

Live, love your life!

George E. Green
Personal Alchemy Systems

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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Raw Chocolate For Your Soul ~ Now is your time to RISE!

Now is our time, now is your time .... Whatever your burdens were in the past, you have come to this place now choosing your liberation. Here and now is your place to surrender your past to your past. Now is your time to travel light.

Now is your time to embrace your true ascendancy and to embody your full brilliance. Wherever you are, slow yourself, ease into your own presence of each emerging moment. Dive into slow, deep enriching breaths. Drink your fill deeply from your own wellspring of your Heart & dreams. 

Each new morning, feel and savor the radiance and glow of the Sun on your face as it warms and comforts your Spirit.

Now is your time to RISE.

Consciously witnessing the rhythm of your own breath, the rhythm of your own heart are the most elegantly simple and powerful ways to to slow and quiet your mind, bringing peace stillness and flow to your body.

Personal Alchemy's Elemental Breathpractice allows you to harness the alchemical power of your Heart's "Singular Presence", accelerating your abilities to consciously imagine, create and manifest your desires fulfilled with great specificity, certainty and clarity.

I invite you to experience your own Elemental Breath via my free video class below. I am currently offering a free introductory Personal Alchemy Peak Performance coaching & training session to a limited number of people just like you. Email me directly for information to schedule your free session today at (geo) (@) (createyourlifenow) (dot) (net).

Now is your time to RISE.

Experience your introductory Personal Alchemy Peak Performance session HERE

Live, love your life!

George E. Green
Personal Alchemy TV
Personal Alchemy Systems

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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Raw Chocolate For Your Soul ~ The Creative Power & Primacy of Your Heart

“From the point of the heart…you can potentially master all time and space.” Richard Bartlett ~ The Physics of Miracles: Tapping in to the Field of Consciousness Potential


It has been recently discovered our pathways of perception and cognition begin with our hearts rather than with our brain/mind. Your actual perceptive pathway is heart first, brain / mind second, followed by your body / physiology. Research in the new discipline of neurocardiology shows that the heart is a sensory organ and a sophisticated center for receiving and processing information. Essentially your heart effects more than just your brain / mind, your heart effects every organ, every cell of your body!

When you lead with heart and live with heart, your heart literally partners with and entrains your brain & body, creating and accelerating elevated states of focus, creativity, coherence and flow. Your resulting state of being is known as Singular Presence
. Over time and with practice by focusing your attention on your heart, it's rhythms and the elemental rhythms of your own breath, you can learn to create and cultivate your own calm and powerful inner resource of peak focus, performance and achievement, calling upon your own "Singular Presence" at any time literally "On Demand".

Experience your own Singular Presence and Elemental Breath, experience my free introductory Personal Alchemy video class HERE

You are and have always been your own infinite source & resource, your heart is your own Alchemical Inner Palace. Your time is now, remember & reclaim your original state of Union, Communion & Peak Creativity today.

Personal Alchemy is your art and science of personal mastery and performance. Begin harnessing the primacy & power of your Heart while generating peak states of your imagination, creativity, creation, innovation & conscious manifestation.


Live, love your life!

George E. Green
Personal Alchemy TV
Personal Alchemy Systems

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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Raw Chocolate For Your Soul ~ Welcome to your FEAST, opening your Heart to fulfillment

Each and every waking moment is your golden opportunity to embrace and embody your own brilliance, ascendancy and resurrection. Your time is and has always been now.


"Life is to be seized in it's first moment of unfolding, in the luminous presence of buddhi (our innate state of awakening), the intelligence that is beyond the hindrances of rumination, opposition, choice, differentiation judgement. If this tapping into reality brings us the serenity we are striving for, it is simply because mental silence opens to spontaneity, grace, fluidity and joy.

If the Tantric masters like to define them selves as sahajiyas, "spontaneous, awakened beings," it is that they have left behind all conceptual limitations of the pure and the impure, of the sacred and the profane. Everything is tremoring vibration and, in becoming sacredly tremoring beings, they open their heart to life."

Desire, The Tantric Path to Awakening By Daniel Odier

You have in any given moment, the ability to choose exactly how you receive and experience your life. Because we are steeped in a culture of distraction and subjected to a constant and often overwhelming barrage of information, often our choices are less than conscious. A recent study indicated that on average most of us are fully present, focused and on purpose only 7 percent of our waking lives.... the rest of our time it is our unconscious minds, our unfocused mind chatter that influences our experience of life and living.

The ancient and continuous lineage and wisdom of "Shivaic Tantrisim" (also known as the Yoga of Tantra) invites us to experience and drink in our lives and world through our own fully focused and conscious presence.  Life's true nature is Vibrancy. We are by our very Elemental nature, the embodiment of expansion, expressiveness and ecstasy incarnate.

You can choose in any conscious moment to embrace your life and world as your FEAST. Your own Heart is  your open door to your remembrance, to your fulfillment. Take your place now at the table, claim your own Heart's desire fulfilled. Your Feast awaits.


Live, love your life!

George E. Green
Personal Alchemy TV
Personal Alchemy Systems

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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Raw Chocolate For Your Soul ~ Desiring change? Be the Awakened Dreamer!

"One of these days.... things gonna change." John Lee Hooker


Got Change? We are the absolute embodiment of change. As human be+ings we are both flesh and Spirit incarnate, walking breathing laughing loving creators, innovators and imagineers of our world AND... we are creating our world from one emerging moment to the next. Change is who and what we ARE.

The elemental nature of your life & reality is an infinite cycle of beginnings and endings, a constant balancing act of expansion and contraction, expression and introspection In any given moment of your Now there are billions of your cells that are dying while billions more are being created & generated to replace them. You shed and release about a million skin cells each and every day.

What changes do you desire for your own life, for your own domain of creation & reality? What do you choose to create for yourself now? What do you choose to release and surrender to your past? Your most potent, powerful and alchemical space and place of conscious creation and liberation is your own present moment, your Now.

Conscious creation is your art and science of "Awakened Dreaming". When you generate and experience peak states of your imagination, creativity and inspiration in the present waking moment, you are albeit for a short stream of emerging moments, able to harness what is normally your dream state's ability to mold and shape your world, your reality and to experience your desired changes as already achieved.

What are you dreaming of having and experiencing today, what are your Heart's highest desires already fulfilled? Learn how to dream awake and thrive my friend! Things gonna change... NOW.

Log on to this link now, experience a complimentary Personal Alchemy training and mentoring session, master your own Art and Science of conscious creation,

Live, love your life!

George E. Green
Personal Alchemy TV
Personal Alchemy Systems

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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Raw Chocolate For Your Soul ~ Union & Communion: embrace your Beloved NOW

"Together consciously as Women & Men, perhaps we can agree if only for a moment, to step out of the limits and confinements imposed upon us all from birth, and to embrace Gods intended role for us as Divine Partners." George E. Green "Personal Alchemy ~ Your Evolutionary Power of Presence & Partnership" 


Spirit has no gender; your heart does not really care what planet you think you are from. Your Soul, your Essence and your True Self do not speak Venusian or Martian. 

The one true language of our hearts, regardless of whether we are men or women, is the universal language of God’s infinite Love and Wisdom. It is our original and Sacred language of the heart that we seek to uncover and rediscover, through our conscious dialog with ourselves and each other, through our commitment to being truly present to each other and to God’s loving direction. 

When we come together in agreement and prayer, we make a sacred space for each other and ourselves where God always dwells within us and within our space in full and Divine measure. 

Now is our time to embrace and embody our evolutionary seeds of Partnership and Harmony, Sacred and Personal Alchemy, of our Divine Destiny, and through our conscious and thoughtful cultivation of inner stillness, presence, partnership and harmony, what grows and unfolds Here, Now, in our Sacred Gardens is the Universes greatest vision and promise for our True Selves.

Learn how to remember and cultivate your own internal state of "Union & Communion" today! Personal Alchemy Systems Elemental Breath™ Meditation creates a measurable unification of Heart and brain function through slow, conscious rhythmic breath. Learn your own Art & Science of Awakened Dreaming & Lucid Living, experience your own introductory Personal Alchemy Training & Mentoring session by logging on to the link below and contacting me. I look forward to our call!


Live, love your life!

George E. Green
Personal Alchemy Systems

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