Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Peace NOW !

The video, Peace NOW "The End of Suffering"

First and most importantly, I would like to thank you for viewing the Peace NOW video shown below. I hope that your watching moves you to a new and more connected perspective in regards to just how important peace is for us all today.

I also hope that you are moved to share this video with your friends and loved ones, and encourage them to do the same.

At the conclusion of this blog I'm including a series of links to other sites where you can find this video as well as a link for this blog. Once again, thank you for viewing and I invite you to please leave a comment (link also at the end of this blog).

The time is NOW. Awaken, embody PEACE in all your THOUGHTS and ACTIONS.

It would seem that our world is more dangerous than ever and that the promise of peace is becoming more fragile and elusive today. In many ways our world has never been more violently divided, more competitive, or more adversarial. Yet in spite of these unfortunate facts- or because of them- there has never been a greater need and hunger for peace now, here on our beautiful planet.

It is time to begin "Fanning the Flames" of our creativity, of our Divine inspirations and heartfelt passions in ways that bring about peace within ourselves, our families and communities and in ways that cultivate partnership and understanding.

"Someday, after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love, and then, for a second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire." Pierre Teilhard de Chardin - 1881 - 1955, Philosopher, Theologian, Mystic, Jesuit Priest, and Paleontologist

Even the smallest and most simple acts of serving peace have a profound effect. Will we all sleepwalk right on through to the end of our world? Or, will we emerge from our "comfort cocoons" joining together to begin to think, speak and act into existance a better world today?

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Today you can choose to stand, and choose to embrace the Divine Spiritual Fire of Creation as we all begin to renounce and extinguish the destructive and twisted fires of violence, hatred & greed that have burned for too long and now threaten our very existance. Each act of service, of compassion, every time you build a bridge rather than burn one, you are creating a better life and world NOW. What will you create today?

True peace begins within. That is where we begin cultivating and creating Peace NOW. Our time is now. Awaken, embody peace in all your thoughts and actions. Rise, lift yourselves and each other up, and STAND.

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Peace & Warm Regards,

George Green

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Alternate links for viewing the Peace Now video

Direct link to this blog Pass it on!

Link to the Peace NOW video on YouTube click on the small rectangle on the bottom right of the video player for a full screen viewing of the video.

Link to my video channel on youtube
Subscribe to my video channel and get updates when new content is posted

Create Your Life Now website Video coming soon here

1 comment:

Professor Howdy said...


If I could speak in any
language in heaven or
on earth but didn't love
others, I would only be
making meaningless noise
like a loud gong or a
clanging cymbal. If I
had the gift of prophecy,
and if I knew all the
mysteries of the future
and knew everything
about everything, but
didn't love others, what
good would I be? And
if I had the gift of faith
so that I could speak
to a mountain and make
it move, without love
I would be no good to
anybody. If I gave
everything I have to
the poor and even
sacrificed my body,
I could boast about it;
but if I didn't love others,
I would be of no value
whatsoever. Love is
patient and kind. Love
is not jealous or boastful
or proud or rude. Love
does not demand its
own way. Love is not
irritable, and it keeps
no record of when it
has been wronged.
It is never glad about
injustice but rejoices
whenever the truth
wins out. Love never
gives up, never loses
faith, is always hopeful,
and endures through
every circumstance.

May You Always
Experience This
Kind Of Love,
Dr. Howdy