Thursday, January 20, 2011

Raw Chocolate For Your Soul ~ Choose the apple or your orchard

We are all creating our lives and our worlds either consciously or unconsciously from one moment to the next.  In any of our emerging moments we can consciously choose to create directly from our highest desires, our singular presence and through our thoughtful intentions.

A recent study shows that at best, most of us are living, operating, and consciously creating from our presence only 7% of our waking lives. The other 93% of our day we are creating directly from our unconscious minds. Your conscious choices, your fulfillment and creative nature made manifest are all sourced only from your presence, here and now. Depart from your presence and you are either left with yesterday or tomorrow.

When we unconsciously dwell in our past we re-create our past experiences, which we then experience here, again today, OR, when we project ourselves into and live in the future, we simply amplify our longing and sense of unfulfillment..... tomorrow never comes.

Your life is and can be a veritable FEAST, you can have just one apple or you can choose to have your orchard, which do you choose? Cultivating presence and clear intentions here in the alchemical moments that are Now is the only place that you are truly able to surrender your past and the nonproductive, repetitive experiences/patterns that were rooted in your past. Here Now, in and through your presence you are empowered to create exactly what you choose for yourself, for your loved ones, and for your world.

The video below is a poem written by Rumi, where he speaks to "This We Have Now", the power and wonder of our presence, our fulfillment, our Now.

What are your Heart's desires my Friend? Log on over HERE and explore your orchard today!

Live, love your life!

George E. Green
Personal Alchemy TV
Personal Alchemy Systems

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